Rio is co-directing the ImPulsTanz workshop program together with Fio (featuring hiphop and club styles artists such as Archie Burnett, Drew Dollaz, Daybee Dorzile, Comfort Fedoke, Silke Grabinger, Sekou Heru, Ina Holub, Nina Kripas, Stephane „Peeps“ Moun, Plenvm Ninja, Bruce Ykanji and many more. Together with Fio, Storm, ImPulsTanz and Markus Eggensperger, he is the co-producer of „Rhythm is a dancer“ – the freestyle dance battle at ImPulsTanz. Together with Magdalena Stolhofer, Storm and ImPulsTanz, he co-produced Hip*Hop-Konferenz 2001 at WUK Vienna (feat. workshops/lectures/shows/concerts by and with Marjory Smarth, Popmaster Fabel, Crazy Legs, Mr. Wiggels, Vanessa Andrada, Brian Green, Bauchklang among many others). Rio loves about the cypher that there is no judgement, that there is cheers and respect for everyone entering it.